source: ARRIVETZ.com
Top 08 tips to consider when choosing a replica Eames lounge chair
Eames lounge chairs are one of the most popular and instantly recognizable pieces of mid-century modern furniture. You’ve admired a few Eames loungers in your life, perhaps even own a few of your own. But what you may not know is that these iconic chairs are actually replicas. Just as there are cheap versions, there are also high-quality replicas that can give you an authentic look. If you’re looking for the best replica deckchairs Eames for your home, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a list to quickly identify the best replicas of these chairs on the market. Here are some tips on what to consider before buying this iconic chair.
Check the inclination of the Eames lounge chair
Clearly, the first thing that can be said about the Eames chaise longue right now is that it’s tilted. The initial reclining position of this original Eames chair, designed by Herman Miller in 1956, is fixed. It was therefore not possible to adjust the seat or turn it to all angles. But today, we’re seeing replicas of Eames chairs with adjustable reclining functions. This means that the angle of the chair can be changed, unlike the original design. Consequently, these are dummy Eames loungers.

source: steelform.com
Control the chair size of this iconic Eames lounge chair

source: steeldomus.com
Inclination alone is not enough to identify a dummy; size also counts. There are many replicas of Eames lounge chairs that are not faithful to the original design. The original chair, by way of illustration, had a full-length size of about 32 inches. What’s not normal in today’s market is that some replicas exceed 40 inches between the floor and the top of the headstock. So, if you’re not careful, you’ll bring back discomfort. Even seemingly minor details can change the comfort of a chair. Also measure the arms. The normal arm size of an original Eames chair is 32.75 inches. A length greater or less than this value means that the reproduction does not comply with standards.
Price plays a big part in buying a replica Eames lounge chair
If you have already checked these first two criteria, then analyze the price of your furniture. In fact, the price of the Eames lounge chair replica is the best indicator of whether the item in question is of good quality or not. The exact specifications provided by Eames at the time are used by some manufacturers, and this is costly. However, if you don’t want too much, you won’t have to spend much. Most replica Eames lounge chairs can be purchased for between 900 and 1,400 Euros. If you opt for used Eames, you’ll have to spend less than new ones. More to the point, if you’re offered an attractive Eames chaise longue at a reduced price, i.e. less than the minimum (900 euros), be warned that the model is of poor quality. Beyond price, the most important thing is the reputation of the brand you buy from. Find out all you can about the company, and make sure it has been established for several years and enjoys a good reputation, to avoid bad experiences.

source: brocabrac.fr
Are any of the chair's screws exposed?
Here’s another significant visual element to pay attention to: the screws that secure the plywood housing. If exposed, they violate the original manufacturing guidelines. The screws are not visible on the original Eames chair. The finish was excellent in every respect, and the screws were concealed. Replicas of the Eames chaise longue can be seen, with the screws covered in caps matching the color of the plywood or leather. Remember that this is an indication that you are buying high quality.

source: aio.caqe.com
Factors relating to materials and finishes
Like any other piece of furniture, the materials used are the most important. They define the durability or toughness of the article. As a result, they must be carefully analyzed before any purchase. That’s hundreds of euros to spend! Most Eames replica chairs should be offered in wood and leather, with walnut, terracotta walnut, black, red rosewood, white and silver versions like the original. As a result, these chairs are ideal for use in the living room, the office or on the terrace. As a reminder, always ask about the quality of materials and finishes before you buy.

source: voltex.fr
The Eames chaise longue must be supplied with a footstool.
We can’t talk about the Eames chaise longue without mentioning the Ottoman footrest – it’s a whole package. All Eames chaise longue deliveries must be accompanied by the small Ottoman chair. This is how Herman Miller conceived his model. When a replica manufacturer asks you to pay extra to have the little ottoman chair, fear not, because any high quality replica of the Eames chaise longue always comes with a matching footstool. However, the chaise longue alone can be supplied independently of the footstool at the customer’s request: the two elements go well together and add to the aesthetics and comfort of a room. When buying a replica, always check the footstool’s size and appearance. Size should be approximately L65*W54*H44cm.

source: voltex.fr
Wooden elements must be made of veneer planks.
The Eames chair was originally made of wood veneer on both sides. It was an important and popular decorative element that accentuated the beauty of furniture. Reproductions of Eames loungers also have to be made using wooden planks of various shapes. Light brown and dark red, for example, are popular colors. When the chair you’re considering isn’t covered in veneer, you’re buying a poor-quality item.

source: medias.gazette-drouot.com
The cushions on the Eames lounge chair must be removable.
The original Eames chairs featured removable cushions. This is a very special and interesting property. The removable function of these chairs plays an important role. It can be used to wash the cushion in case of stains. The cushions can also be redone as they age. Redoing the cushions can improve the chair’s condition and make it look like new again. So, to pay for an Eames chair from now on, you need to respect all these points and you’ll never be cheated.