
Contact us

Do you have a question, would you like some information, or would you like to place an order directly with our advisors? Our customer service is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 18:00, and on Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 14:30 to 18:00.

Public holidays: See our Google page .

Call us at

From France :

Customer service:
05 54 54 41 01

Sales department:
07 45 88 64 70

From Belgium or abroad :

Customer service:
+33 5 54 54 41 01

Sales department:
+33 7 45 88 64 70

(Free from a landline or cell phone)

Warehouse & showroom in Gradignan

168 Rue Saint-François Xavier
33170, Gradignan, France

Warehouse opening hours:

Monday: 8h-12h and 13h30-18h
Tuesday: 8h-12h and 13h30-18h
Wednesday: 8h-12h and 13h30-18h
Thursday: 8h-12h and 13h30-18h
Friday: 8h-12h and 13h30-18h
Saturday: 8h-12h and 14h30-18h
Sunday: 9h-12h and 14h30-18h

On-site collection

You want to pick up an order:

Call our warehouse on +33 5 54 54 75 41 to arrange collection of your parcel. Please have your order number ready.

Contact by email

Need information on a product (availability, specificity…)

Write us an email:

Customer service:

Sales department:

Or fill in the form below.

Stefano Design

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