Multiple Products = Reduced Shipping Costs
Multiple Products = Reduced Shipping Costs

Refunds and returns

Benefit from free 30-day returns

retour-gratuit-mobile_stefanoCommandez entoute confiance surle site stefanodesign.frVous changez davis?À réception de votre commande, profitez duretour gratuit sous 30 jour enn nous envoyantun email à contact@stefanodesign.frRetour gratuitRemballez votre article et nous mettonsen place la reprise à nos fraisRemboursementÀ réception de larticle, nous vousremboursons l’intégralité de son montantincluant les frais de livraison.

Refund rights

Refunds and modifications are made at the end of the month by the same payment method used to purchase the product.


We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. STEFANO DESIGN is at your disposal and we welcome our customers’ opinions. We strive every day to win loyal customers and always meet your expectations.

Return policy

Returns will not be accepted for products that are not unused, in perfect condition, clean and in their original packaging, and without evidence of assembly. For this reason, payment or change will only be made after receipt of the goods at our premises. If, on receipt of the package, these conditions are not met, the refund will not be accepted.
The refund request must be made within 30 days of receipt of the product.  If, for any reason, this timeframe is not possible, you must contact us so that we can approve different conditions. Once the 30-day period has expired, STEFANO DESIGN will not accept refunds for failure to purchase products. This retraction is only accepted if the product has not been handled and has no indication of assembly/use.

Special or customized orders
 have no right of return and withdrawal are excluded except for reasons of factory defect.

If you wish to cancel the purchase of a product, you must contact us by sending an e-mail to

The free 30-day return policy does not apply in Switzerland. Vou can contact us by sending an e-mail to

Return conditions

We accept all returns that meet these requirements:

  • You can request a refund within 30 days of purchase.
  • The item must be in the same packaging conditions as those in which it was delivered and in its original packaging, in perfect condition, with no signs of assembly or use, which means that the product seal must not have been tampered with in any way, including manuals, accessories and warranty documents. In addition, items must reach STEFANO DESIGN properly packaged and protected to prevent damage during return transport. If this is not the case, any defects in the item may be recovered and the remaining difference paid for.
  • It must be properly packaged to prevent damage during return transport. In the event of non-compliance, the refund cannot be accepted or the amount of the estimated damage may be subtracted from the payment.
  • Once we have received the item and checked that it is correct, we will refund you using the same system you used to pay, subtracting the cost of transport to and from the product, paying only the difference.
  • If, at the time the customer receives a product, it is broken or defective, STEFANO DESIGN reserves the right to decide to refund the amount paid or to replace it with a new product in perfect condition.
  • If the defect subsequently appears, the case is examined and the steps specified in the product warranty are followed.
  • Returns are not possible for deliveries to relay points.
In the event of non-compliance with the requirements or observation of any damage/dysfunction/use on the product, STEFANO DESIGN retains the right not to accept the refund or to deduct the amount of the estimated damage together with the shipping costs.
Contact us by email at, indicating the order number and the products you wish to return. We will get back to you as soon as possible and arrange a refund as quickly as possible.
It is imperative to notify STEFANO DESIGN before returning any product so that there are no problems during processing and so that our team can check receipt of the material.

Do you have any questions?

You can rest assured that the STEFANO DESIGN team will do everything in its power to ensure your complete satisfaction, before, during and after your purchase. We remain at your disposal:

By phone

from France :
05 54 54 41 01
(Free from a landline or cell phone)

from Belgium or abroad :
+33 (0) 5 54 54 41 01

Live chat

Mon – Sun: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


Contactez-nous sur WhatsApp

Cliquez sur l'un de nos interlocuteurs ci-dessous pour échanger.
